
Mana Moana Meditation

Nā Karlo Mila rāua ko Michel Tuffery


Kua mahia e Michel Tuffery rāua ko Karlo Mila he ruku hōhonu, he hokinga ki te katoa o te moana. I roto i ēnei wā o te aituā, o te pakanga, me te pōraruraru o te mate urutā e noho whakamohoao ai te ao, kua huri te maha o ngā ringa toi ki ā rātou mahi toi hei mahi atawhai, hei mahi whai oranga, kaua ko te mahi whakaatu noa iho. Mai i konei, ka whiria te kupu me te āhua ki te ao kahurangi ki tua, he ruku i te huatau o te Moana. He ao waiwai tō tātou. Me hono tātou ki te katoa o ngā hononga e whiri ai tātou.

Concept: Karlo Mila & Michel Tuffery

Art: Michel Tuffery

Animation and Editing: Michel Tuffery & Mike Bridgman

Poetry & Performance: Karlo Mila

Soundscape Design: Laughton Kora

Fangufangu and Vocals: Manase Lua

Soundscape Mixing: Tiki Taane 
