Copyright Mana Moana Collective
The gathering place of Matariki, or Te Huihui a Matariki, brings us together to witness the auspicious stars that signal the Māori New Year. Through the darkness of night, embark on a voyage of painted forms that appear and come to life to the sounds of nature and creative expression. The stars of Matariki featured in this work include- Ururangi (The Winds), Tupu-ā-rangi (Food from above), Tupu-ā-nuku (Food from the earth), Waitā (Oceans), Pohutukawa (Reflecting on those who have passed away), Waitī (Fresh Water), Waipuna-ā-rangi (Rain), Hiwa-i-te-rangi (Future aspirations) & Matariki (Gatherer of people).
Artwork & Directing: Regan Balzer
Music & Composition: Laughton Kora & Horomona Horo
Animation: Creature Post
Music Mastering: Tiki Taane
Animatic & Project support: Mike Bridgman
Animation support: Kaimai-Rose Lee
Photography Assistant: Tuiaria Balzer-Horo
Special thanks to: The Meteor Theatre, Hamilton and WINTEC School of Media Arts
Copyright Mana Moana Collective